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Buzz Magazine. Inspiring Stories. Inspiring People.

We’re here to help make you the buzz of your city.

We’re a small group of creatives that are on mission to democratize the media. Our HQ is located in an independently-owned cowork space in the South Bay of Los Angeles and we have remote partners around the country that promote Buzz Magazine in their cities and even edit and publish for their local Buzz Magazine.

There is no executive team and no gatekeepers. We base our interviews exclusively on nominations by people who know them the best–their happy clients, customers, fans and friends. All it takes to get published is for a nominee to submit quality images and thoughtful answers–and we’re most likely going to publish it!

What are Quality Images?

Quality images are high resolution, for novices this means BIG images. Pictures that take up the whole screen and still look clear. For those a little more technical, we’re looking for 1920 x 1060 so we can edit and scale them if needed. We’ll take lower resolution but we want you to look your best and that starts with great pictures.

What is Thoughtful Content?

Take your time, answer the 5 W’s (Who, What, When, Why and Where). Write out your answers in a document on your notebook and then be sure that your answers actually answer the question asked and address at least 2 or three of the W’s.

If you look good, we look good.

So, we want to present you in the best light. The better the information you give us the better we can make you look and the better our website will look. Keep in mind that we also promote the best interviews via social media so the better your pictures and interview answers are the more likely that you’ll get picked!

Got more questions about the interview process? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions section.