Meet Adrian C. Walker II of ACW PUBLISHING

I have always been a writer. However, my “published author” journey began five years ago. Four years after I started the journey, my book ‘Through the Fire’ was born. As a cancer survivor twice over, undergoing 18 surgeries, being molested by a boy scout leader, and a lot more, I knew my story had to be told. As the eldest of thirteen siblings, growing up, I instantaneously and subconsciously discovered that growing up sooner than later was the determining factor that has shaped my life.
In retrospect, leading a sheltered way of living was inevitable but normal, up until my vibrancy became unexpectedly shifted at the age of twelve. The plague of bad news surfaced when my parents and I received a diagnosis of having a bone tumor, in which was expected by the doctors to end my life or living my life as a leg amputee.
However, this distressful event of receiving my diagnosis was nothing short of the storms I had faced in years to come; cancer, two failed marriages, multiple near-death experiences, alcoholism, non-illusionary premonitions, and more.
My soul purpose in sharing my story is to guide individuals through the fire and into my journey as a survivor of many events that were deemed to be my breaking point of life itself. My hope is for people to master the art of humbly doing the same and Intentionally breaking the back of suicide and abuse.
Not at all. I was homeless at one point for two years, survived cancer twice, almost died last year in April, May, and June of Severe Sepsis, two car accidents, one on new years eve 2017, and August 2018 (both were NO fault of my own), one of which was said to have potentially taken my life. Furthermore, I was abused as a child and an adult, all while undergoing 18 surgeries. If “Murphy’s Law” had a face, it would have been mine. Yet I’m still smiling and thriving.
My business is called ACW Publishing. It is in the infant stages. I self-published my book and have helped many others do the same at no cost. At least until everything gets in order with paperwork and what not. Until then, I volunteer my help. I really love to help others. That is what I’m most proud of. Right now, we have been focusing on the fundraising for my movie which will be based on my book. Genuinely doing this to see others succeed Is what sets ACW publishing apart.
Success for me is accomplishing your goals that you are passionate about, and being in a position to share the wisdom. Be it financial, education, coaching, etc. Being able to unselfishly share is success to me.