Meet Allex Redd of Truth N Art Tattoo

I started this journey five years ago and to be completely transparent I never really thought I’d become a Tattoo Artist let alone travel across the country tattooing. All I knew was one day I just had this moment of clarity, reflecting from my father passing away in my arms to my closest friends dying tragically and being incarcerated then almost losing my life and freedom myself I realized I had to find another way because the lifestyle that I was living would only end up with me dead or in jail and I was approaching the conclusion to either of these roads soon. Desperate to find my next phase in life I searched every possibility out there but unfortunately with no degree or high school diploma my options were very limited and I actually ended up homeless for a brief period as I had to learn about managing money after being so accustomed to not having to care about finances at all. Eventually I realized I would need to create my own opportunity, then the idea to do tattoos came from friends and family pushing me to do something with art since I was always drawing to pass the time. I started drawing at a very young age inspired by my older brother who was an amazing artist but unfortunately he was seduced by the glamour and grittiness of what we would call in today’s terms “the trap” and never took the chance or opportunities to show the world his talent. So with the money I had left I bet it all on me and put it into getting an apprenticeship and everything needed to learn how to tattoo. Then eventually after a lot of hard work, dedication and sacrifice I opened up a tattoo shop with my best friend who’s more like a brother to me named Marcus Tate(remarcable_art on IG) and surrounded ourselves with other amazing artist like Faith Hudgens( on IG) and Cam Johnson(camxlj_ink on IG) to make up a collective of talent that ended up becoming like a family to me and we’ve been going strong ever since.
No it hasn’t always been a smooth road and still isn’t always the easiest but you push through regardless of what comes your way. In the beginning of my tattoo career I broke my dominant hand that I tattoo with due to losing my temper over a situation I shouldn’t have been in and it took a metal plate, six screws and four pins to put my hand back together. I was told by the doctors I wouldn’t be able to tattoo due to my hand possibly developing severe arthritis but I pushed through and got my hand rehabilitated even though my pinky is still crooked it’s fine I just joke about it and laugh it off. Also I actually had to pay for two apprenticeships because the first shop I was learning under had someone stage a break in to only my suite and took all my equipment thinking I wouldn’t return because of my hand injury and the owner and I fell out over discrepancy’s which left me having to start over and pay again with another shop. But I guess things happen for a reason because all these events lead me to meet the ones who I’m with today and now looking back at it I wouldn’t change a thing.
Truth-N-Art Tattoo is a place that offers a vibe and experience you can’t get just anywhere clients come in and become friends and leave feeling like an extensions of family. I am the co-owner and also an artist as well, my specialty is in my versatility being able to go from tradition to realism, black and grey to full color, fine lines with dot work to big bold lines and high contrast. I’m most proud of the fact we are a group of artist that feed off each other and push each other constantly and I’m proud of myself for believing in myself to put something like this together. What sets me apart is my drive, my ambition, my work ethic and my passion is something that will always help me stand out and keep me going.
For me I personally define success by how good I feel in life. Am I happy? Am I growing and learning and becoming better than the day before? I just want to inspire and motivate people and enjoy life doing what I live with the people that mean the most to me and seeing them reach their dreams as well. That’s what real success is to me.