Meet Ashley Matheson

I started making TikToks summer of 2019 and would mainly be posting dance videos along with my friends. I started to gain a lot of attention towards the beginning of the 2019-20 school year and had got my following up to about 50k. Once I had a footing on the platform things started to expand quickly and I built up a large following over over 2.2 million after a few of my video went crazy viral!
For the most part and something I’m very thankful for is the fact that I don’t receive a lot of hate! I know if I am going to portray an exaggerated version of myself onto a platform where I have over 2 million people watching I am bound to receive negativity. Thankfully I don’t come across much of that, my main struggle is how people objectify me. It’s hard when people are only admiring you for the way you look oppose to the things that are important to you. I just make sure to not read to into the comments and surround myself with people who love me for me!
My TikToks account has variety. I post dance videos, lip syncing, comedy, vlog, trends basically anything I am capable of making I post! I would say my account has been recently most known for a video of me impaling myself with a tripod in the sweet spot, before that it was a video of me talking about clogging a boys toilet. You can say I’m pretty lucky when it comes to the videos that do well… not. However since starting TikTok I have started to get a lot healthier mentally. Growing up I always struggled with my mental health but know for the first time in a while TikToks has been able to really make me feel like I’m loved!
I define success by how happy someone is in life. I will know that I have succeeded in life when I am able to wake up every morning and be with the people I love doing the things I love. I don’t measure success by how much someone has but how much they seem like they’re happy.