Meet Ashley S. Moy of Cast21

Cast21 was not intended to be a company. My friend Jason and I were looking for a passion project to do in our last year of college, and we were both excited by the idea of a waterproof alternative to a traditional cast. Jason has been in over 60 casts and braces, so you can imagine how determined he was to develop something new! We presented our concept for a net-shaped immobilization device to our university departments, and our project was supported by a senior capstone class. We enjoyed developing the device and decided, on a whim, to enter our idea into a business competition – and we won! We successfully participated in a handful of other business competitions, and we realized that we had created something that would not just benefit Jason (for when he would inevitably need another cast,) but also other patients and doctors around the world.
My road to building and running the company has not been smooth. One of my biggest and earliest struggles was trying to secure resources while being so young. I was still in school when I started the company, and my team had just graduated. We had no financial resources to support the venture ourselves, we had no expansive networks to build a team, and we had no full-time job experience. I am so grateful to our early supporters who helped us navigate those stressful times.
Cast21 is a medical device startup that creates innovative healthcare solutions, inspiring change in the way the world heals. Our first product is a waterproof and hygienic alternative to casting and bracing. It is used by doctors to manage bone fractures or joint injuries while greatly improving the quality of life of patients. Without the need for expensive scanning or sawing equipment, heat, water, or electricity, this product is versatile and applicable in any environment.
I am so proud of my team for our innovative mindsets, empathetic solutions, and fearless drive. Together, we have adapted to challenges to create a medical device that is easy to use for medical professionals and comfortable for patients. Cast21 developed the world’s only rigid immobilization device that can be used anywhere, including environments that are recovering from disasters, developing nations, and military zones.
I personally define success as anything that makes me feel happy and whole. In the context of Cast21, I feel successful when our patients share their smiles and positive experiences with us. I feel successful when our doctors say they love our solution. It’s our mission to improve life and lives. With every uplifting story that we hear about our solution, I feel we are successfully working towards that goal.