Meet Blacc Mel of Undergraduates LLC

My start was a process and is still continuing. I found a love for music after being surrounded by talent within my family right here in Macon, GA. My grandfather, Percy Welch, inspired me the most – the same as my dad, Sonny Spoon. I remember being young and using cassette tapes to record songs with my cousins and we’d go to share the music with my grandfather who’d cuss us out for playing that “rap music”. But it was like honey to my ears. I began to dig deep and find my flow and let creativity take its course. Music has been instilled into my soul because I’ve been chosen to tell my story and let others listen to how I feel things through my personal experiences. Each day I find myself thinking of new ways to reach others with my music and to let my voice and character be heard. I want to make an impact and to become a household name.
I tend to live by this saying, “to whom much is given, much is required” so I often feel like what others would consider the “difficult” path was needed to sculpt me into who I am today. The road hasn’t always been smooth and narrow for me and at times, it seemed easier to veer off into something I’m not, but that just isn’t me. I’ve made commitments to taking the high road when the easier route was always available. I knew that if I compromised today, I wouldn’t be able to relay my true messages tomorrow.
I am an artist first and foremost. I tend to attract like-minded individuals into my life and together we create art. My business is about showing and proving. Talent can get you far but consistency is what keeps you relevant. I am most known for my lyrical content, production, beat making, and inspiration. I enjoy hearing my music tag, “The Suspect is described as being a Blacc Mel” on beats that I’ve worked on for other artist’s songs. Let’s me know they are enjoying my art. My company is allowing me to own everything that I do and keeps me in total control of how my music goes out into the world. We are not asking people to become something that they are not for profit, we are asking people to be themselves. My company allows this type of expression.
Success to me is not measured by words, but more by actions. There’s a misconception that success equates to some large sum of money, private jets, and women and while all of that is cool – I think success is measured by the person. While there are so many boxes to check off for someone to be successful. I believe that you can be successful for waking up and accomplishing the smallest to the biggest of goals. There’s no criteria to say how you should make it, just as long as we all get to the finish line.