Meet Brent Anthony

Well… from what I understand my Mom was approached by my first Manager when I was 4 years old. She hooked me up with an Agent and I started out modeling. Hanna Anderson, Billabong, Toys R Us and various other companies. My Agent then asked if she could submit me for Commercial work and I started doing that. It was around that time that I booked my first movie SEXPOT with Eric Foresberg. I remember that I had a super fun time on set. I also started doing theatrical background around this time. They apparently liked me and I found myself featured many, many times. This is actually how I landed the role of Young Jeff on Community. They bumped me and then I was called back a year later for another episode. I didn’t start taking acting classes until I was around 8 years old. My first coach was Alex Feldman. We are still friends. I’ve worked with many great trainers- Ivana Chubbuck Studios, Groundlings, Second City, Helen Gordon and most recently Sal Landi. What I’ve learned is that it is important to have a great team that works together and is supportive. I’m super excited to have my team in place and am hoping to land some awesome roles once this virus is under control.
Not necessarily a smooth road, with anything you do sometimes you feel like you are going the right direction but sometimes life throws a curve ball and you must adjust. I have my slow times and busy times in acting and I try and use these times to learn from them. When I’m not working, I’m taking classes or workshops.
I have done drama and comedies and enjoy both. If I had to pick, I think I prefer drama. Probably because I’d really like to be in an action movie. I honestly don’t know what sets me apart from others. Maybe it’s my drive. I believe in giving everything I do 100% or more if that’s possible? I’ve been told that I’m a natural actor and believable. I become my character and I think that comes across in film.
I define success as being able to buy things you dreamed of as a child. Such as a beautiful house or that sports car you always wanted. Success is working hard when you are older so you can feed the inner child in you.