Meet Cami Warner of Bombshell Boudoir Intimate Photography

As long as I can remember, I’ve always had a camera in my hand, taking pictures of anything and everything I possibly could. I started taking photography classes in High School then later in college. I loved photography and could not get enough of it! Other than the few professional classes I’ve taken, I’m a self-taught photographer.
I officially opened Bombshell Boudoir about a year and a half ago. At the time of opening my business, my husband was deployed and for an anniversary gift I decided to do a boudoir shoot of my own for him. I was somewhat intrigued by the idea of boudoir but wasn’t too keen of being in front of the camera especially in lingerie.
I had a very poor body image of myself and although I’m the type of person that likes to try anything once, I was unsure about pictures of my body. I am so beyond happy I went for it and did the boudoir shoot; I had no idea it would be more of a gift to myself than it would be to my husband.
It was at sunset on a Friday afternoon that my life completely changed. I was on a beach in Malibu in lingerie with cars honking and BBQers staring at me in these sexy positions. That’s when it hit me. I didn’t only want, but I needed to be a boudoir photographer! This photographer I hired had taken this broken woman with the worst body image of herself possible and turned her into an empowered woman so sure of herself and ready to take on the world. I felt amazing and saw myself as an attractive woman. That was the first time I had loved myself in years. I had no idea that is what boudoir really was. I thought it was only for the supermodel looking types of women that wanted sexy images of themselves. It’s not! It is for everyone and everybody. Male, female, trans, it does not matter! Everyone deserves to feel amazing and sexy in the skin they are in.
The night after my own boudoir shoot, I called all my female friends and begged them to let me take boudoir images for them. My sister was the first one to allow me to practice on her. She was patient and allowed me to express myself through my newfound love of boudoir. I was able to take my time and not stop until I got the shot I saw in my head. Along with my sister, I also had the support of my husband. He encouraged me and made me feel like I could turn this new passion into a career. He has completely supported me emotionally and reminds me daily that I can do anything I put my mind to. Without him, I would have never started my business and been able to make such a big impact in my community.
Starting my own business and empowering women was all I could talk about for months! I set up free photo shoots for anyone and everyone who would let me. Doing boudoir was awe-inspiring for both me and my client friends. Empowering women empowered me! Looking back on those early shoots, you can see my passion and my drive through the images. Of course, I am my biggest critic. I had a long way to go before I was successful at boudoir photography, but I was determined. I would continue to grow both as a person and as a photographer.
Creating a business has been anything but easy. Success is hard and it takes more work than you think. It’s about hard work, perseverance and drive. If it were easy, everyone would do it. I took my leap and opened my business at one of the most difficult moments of my life. I was a caretaker for my terminally ill father, a mother, and a wife to a deployed service member, why would I ever do something so big in the midst of all of that? I had the drive to do it. I had to do it for myself and for the women around me that let me give them such an amazing experience. In a way, it was a great distraction from my home life, but it was also my greatest downfall. Juggling all these different roles was taxing. I had no choice but to be there 100% for my family so my business suffered. I realized I was only working at growing my business when it was convenient in my family’s schedule. I was needed in other areas and although boudoir was always in my heart and on my mind, it took the back burner to all my other responsibilities of caring for my family. I allowed myself grace and knew it was ok that I wasn’t wildly successful in my first year or even my second or third. After my father’s passing earlier this year, I knew it was time for me to grow both as a person and as a boudoir photographer. I re-branded my business, changed the way I did things in marketing and advertising and was accepted into a prestigious program that has marked me as San Diego’s first and only Certified Professional Boudoir Photographer. I was also accepted into the Association of International Boudoir Photographers. I am now part of a small group of boudoir photographers that sets the bar and creates standards across our community. I am held to a high standard to continue to give my clients the best experience possible.
It truly is an honor to be among some of the world’s best boudoir photographers!
Bombshell Boudoir Intimate Photography is San Diego’s first and only primer luxury boudoir studio specializing in women’s empowerment and body positivity. We pride ourselves in showing women their true beauty the rest of the world so easily sees. Our studio is not only about beautiful images. We strive to make our clients portraits an extension of their best self, proof of them living their best life. We want them to look back on their portraits feeling proud of their bravery and willingness to be vulnerable. Their images will forever be a reminder of their beauty and their ability to conquer anything they wish to do. In the end, their images will represent so much more than beautiful lingerie or glamorous makeup – they will tell the tale of a woman who reclaimed her sexy, owned her story, and who could unapologetically be herself. Coming to our studio is about finding yourself, finding that amazing woman that has always been there. We are about self-love and empowering you as a woman so you can take that with you and be more amazing and confident than when you came through our door.
Bombshell Boudoir is most proud of the fact that we are an honest company. We build our trust in our clients long before they have their initial consultation. We send numerous emails back and forth with our clients, including our transparent price list in our initial welcome email. We are not a shoot and burn company. We are an extremely high touch, luxury boutique studio. I make an entire day dedicated to and completely revolve around my client. From the moment my client books their session, they are treated as if they are the only client I have. I make it a point to become friends with my clients because that is a bonus most photographers don’t offer. It shows my clients they are appreciated and welcome with open arms into my studio space. I meet with my clients at least once before their shoot for their consultation. We do whatever my client needs. For some, it looks like a coffee date, getting to know each other. To others, it’s a personal styling experience. We go shopping together and find the best lingerie to fit their body like a dream. We will go over the shooting process and answer any questions they may have about their upcoming shoot. When a client comes into the studio, they are the only client booked for that day. They get me as a photographer, posing guide, stylist and cheerleader 100% focused on her. Clients are greeted with mimosas and fresh baked goods right out of the oven. They get all dolled up with our resident hair and makeup artist in the studio while we chat and listen to their favorite music. My studio and the entire boudoir experience is all about making my client feel as comfortable as possible. We even offer in house facials and massages as an add on package to make the experience that much more special. The more comfortable my clients are with me, the more vulnerable they can become resulting in better images. I strive to be a luxury boudoir photographer and friend for each one of my clients.
I never dreamed I would be a part of an organization like the Association of International Boudoir Photographers or be a Certified Professional Boudoir Photographer, but here I am, killin’ it! I’m proud to be the go-to boudoir photographer and be recommended time and time again by past clients. Every day I continue to better myself, my business, and my client experience. Photography is my passion. Who would have thought that a camera would bring me such enjoyment and fulfillment to others? With the help of my camera, I’m able to empower others and show them their true beauty the rest of the world so easily sees. When a client sees her images for the first time and cries tears of joy, or when I get a raving review of a client sharing her empowering experience publicly with other women in our community, that is my success. I see success so many different ways. I can provide a life changing experience to my clients that they will carry with them forever. Only a true photographer can offer a boudoir experience unlike any other. If I can truly show my client how amazing and gorgeous she is and she truly feels that inside, I have done my job. I can change women’s lives for the better. I can change a women’s opinion about herself and her body. When I empower women in my community, they go on to empower other women and their families. A boudoir shoot can change relationships and change lives. My clients receive a luxury experience. They know they will not only receive amazing portraits of themselves, but they will leave feeling empowered and changed for the better! Boudoir is a unique experience. Women are empowered and transform from a beauty to a BOMBSHELL!