Meet Clint Chastain of CJC Photography of Texas

I am semi-retired from a long and successful career in small-animal veterinary medicine. Decades ago, I had developed an interest in photography, but the time demands of raising a family and attending to a 60-90 hour/week business, left me with little time for art.
As my clinical veterinary duties scaled back, I was able to devote more and more time to expanding my knowledge of the art and science of portrait photography. Today I am fortunate enough to be able to shoot as little or as often as I want. I mainly shoot portraiture and artistic portraiture for myself, and sometimes senior pictures, model tests and headshots for actors and others.
I have been fortunate in that I haven’t encountered a number of obstacles, other than a shortage of time. The quest for self-improvement never ends though.
I mainly shoot portraiture and artistic portraiture for myself, and occasionally senior pictures, model tests and headshots for actors and others. I shoot for my own portfolio and my own enjoyment because I am a lifelong student and there is always some fascinating new trick or technique to learn and explore, in photography. I enjoy shooting senior pictures, model tests and headshots because nothing thrills me more than seeing other people grow and succeed, and knowing that I was a small part of that, through the photos I provided. Whether its a sick pet in need of treatment or a person in need of a fresh set of pictures, I give each situation 110%.
For me, the greatest success occurs when the person or people in my photos like them, and when those same photos can be used to promote that persons further successes and advancements in life.