Meet Collette Conner

I have always been a writer. I have always loved to put my thoughts and dreams on paper. I can remember sitting on my grandmother’s porch I would tear pieces of paper in half and write out skits and imaginary commercials. Back then the porches were huge and very high. So was my view of the world around
Most of the time, everyone in my grandmother’s house was much older than me so I learned to entertain myself. When I think back on it, that was the early stages of me exploring writing down what I envisioned. Writing is not new to me but the whole publishing world is. A few years ago I shared a couple of pages with a friend to look at from my now published book, “Been There Done That,Keeping Your Sanity While Single Parenting”and the baby jumped.I don’t if you know about the story of Mary and Elizabeth but it reminded me of that.
When you have someone excited about what you’re excited about, it can make all the difference. However, you must know if no one else but you are excited about your future you must run with that.
I guess the struggle started young even when I didn’t know there was a struggle. I was raised by my grandmother who was a sunday school teacher. This helps to confirm the teacher in me. I moved with my mom at the age of twelve when she moved down from Chicago. This probably has a little to do with why I so love visiting and experiencing the northeast at times.
I can only remember s great childhood. I remember coming home from school, putting on play clothes and going out to play.I remember the streets being full of children just being children. Playing dodgeball and kickball. Oh yeah let’s not forget jump rope, double dutch and hopscotch. Now I am dating myself. LOL. It was a beautiful thing. So my childhood was wonderful.
The struggle manifested itself when I realized it was best for me to raise my children apart from being in the traditional family I was in. I was in a deadend marriage and decided to separate. This decision left me with three sons to raise. Now granted I was pretty much the one providing the parental support from the start.
So now I was a full fledged singlemom asking the question, “Now what?”. While knowing somehow things would be ok.
Fast forward and I have now authored two books and co-authored one. I have been featured on several radio platforms and podcasts.
I have been featured in three other magazines, including this one. I am a speaker, blogger, freelance writter, and content writer.
My goal and purpose is to encourage, inspire and empower singlemoms and all single parents globally. I believe if they have a vision for themselves and their children anything is possible. A vision with everyday practical goals can get you to your desired place one step at a time.
I define success by having the ability to take what you have, your gifts, your talents, your resources and your skills to impact someone elses life in a positive way. The ability to effectively help to transform someone’s life for generations to come. Now that’s true success.
The ability to generate a wealthy mindset. Notice I didn’t say riches I said wealth because weath in any form is generational.
The markers of success I look for is purposed centered, goal achieving, and the spirit to overcome any adversity life may bring.