Meet Deonoveigh Mitchell of K’aalogii Kisses

My story begins in the Heart of the Navajo Nation; Chinle, AZ. I am a woman who carries two beautiful cultures; Dine (Navajo) and Afro American. As a child, I’ve always loved the arts. With art, I could express myself through colors, poetry, music, and movement. I struggled a lot being comfortable in my own (dark) skin and curly hair, in the middle of the reservation. In my dreams, I loved my hair, I loved my unique features. I could be anything; I could be me. But my reality wasn’t as easy to embrace. The reality of never feeling “enough” in either culture was a constant struggle. But the most beautiful consistency in my life was art. Art was always there, reminding me to sing, dance, draw, and write. Gradually, my reality became as beautiful as my dreams. I learned how to be that brave, confident, free-spirited woman I’ve always dreamt of.
One of my most favorite places in the world requires a drive down an unpaved, bumpy, old road for 10 min, well, 20 minutes, if you care about your vehicle’s shocks. At the end of this road, is a place filled with so many of my most treasured childhood memories. This is also the same road I ran on during my Kinaaldah (Traditional Puberty Ceremony). I’ve only known bumpy roads. Throughout my life thus far, I’ve grown to appreciate those bumpy roads because I know the beauty they lead to. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
My business, K’aalogii (Butterfly) Kisses, is a collection of my heartworks. I paint stories on canvas and anything else that paint can stick to. My paintings range from memories on the rez, the strength of matriarch bonds, to highlighting the beauty of Indigenous/Afro American women.
I’ve learned that Healing is a commonality that connects people. Everyone has experienced some type of trauma(s) in their lives and heal/don’t heal in their own ways. For me, my art is Medicine. It has and continues to heal me. I am the woman I am today because I have something that requires my love and reminds me how to love. I am able to give through my art because it plays a huge part in replenishing what I give. When you connect with that “thing” that reciprocates joy into your life, that to me, is success.