Meet Doris Garrett of Ocean Soul Life Coaching

When I was 8 months pregnant with my second child, I was preparing divorce paper. Thousands of emotions surrounded my broken heart. The situation was giving to me, not against me. I started to get inspired to help others.
Years later I proudly attained my Life Coach and Master Life Coach Certification and started my company, Ocean Soul Life Coaching.
Yes, it has been a smooth road. I do my work with all my love and put my heart into it. I love every minute.
Rediscover the Joy in Life!
As a Life Coach, I support you and empower you so you can achieve your dreams and goals in life.
Separation, anger, guilt and frustration, for example, are very strong emotions that can keep you from attaining the life you wish to have.
I am here to support you through your journey. My work with you is highly confidential. You can speak freely about private matters to me.
Our focus will be on solutions rather than on problems.
We collaborate to discover which tools work best for you so that we can start releasing the negative energy from the emotion that has kept you stuck.
The purpose of this is to unlock the molecules of emotion in your personal sphere that have locked the pattern of behavior in place.
It is my intention to be your partner in moving towards the life you most honestly want, personally and professionally.
Through a transformation process in which we will utilize the appropriate tools, my desired outcome for you is that you will feel worthy and ready to have the courage to live your life to its fullest potential.
I can coach you to: look forward, act focused, and enjoy life.
Since I am from Austria and a native German speaker, the sessions are also available in German.
I can work with you in personal session where we can meet in my office or in nature or over the phone.
– I’m here for you.
Finding your live purpose and loving it is success for me. Constantly wanting to grow and improve to help others. When work is not a job – when it is an wakening to life.