Meet Gianni Mariotti of G1ANN1

Growing up I would always watch YouTube, this is something that I really enjoyed as a kid, and even to this day. When I would watch these YouTuber’s I never really thought that I would try to start a YouTube channel. At a time I started to talk with all of my brother’s about possibly starting a YouTube channel myself, they loved the idea and really pushed me to do it and have been there every step of the way. My mom, April has also been a person who has been by my side this whole time and helps me in anyway possible and supports me all the way. I could not have a better family by my side when trying to start something. When we got the idea together, I thought it would be amazing to start a channel where I went “One on One” with athletes, celebrities, media personalities, influencers and more. When I talk about being “One on One”, it can mean just an interview, on the basketball court, or just something that the interviewee likes to do.
From there I started to put things into reality, I started by filming my whole YouTube preview in Miami, and started to record a couple of my first videos. With one of my brothers David “Mookie” Mariotti being an athlete business manager, it really had helped me a lot, and is still helping to this day. The first two videos that I filmed was a video with Kobi Simmons, and Derrick Jones Jr., and I started to really enjoy this immediately.
From there I have been continuing to build my brand and put out videos on YouTube. This is something that I truly love to do, I love to learn about peoples lives and how they got to the spot they are, and how they do it. Although I love the interviewing, I also like to do vlogs of my life, because sometimes it can be very interesting.
For me, this has been pretty much a smooth road, but with everything you do there are bumps along the way. I would say the hardest thing is perfecting what I do. I really can be a perfectionist and I want everything to be the best it can be, and I do not like to take shortcuts.
As a YouTuber, I am known as Gianni One on One, and I am most known for interviewing athletes, but I also want to grow from that and expand my horizon. I love to learn about everyone’s life because everyones story is different and the stories can inspire others.
I would say the video that I am most proud of on my channel would have to be “Behind the Scenes of NBA Dunk Champion Derrick Jones Jr.”. I want to give a big shout out to Derrick because he allowed me to be by his side throughout the NBA Dunk Contest night this year in Chicago and let me film it all. The reason that I am so proud of this video is because this was such an amazing experience for me, and Derrick worked so hard to get the trophy and I got to capture it from the beginning to the end of the night. Not only is was it the Dunk Contest captured in the video, it was also his 23rd birthday.
What sets me apart from others is my drive and motivation. Not only is it that, but it is the oppertunities that I have had, and continue to have. To me I think also what sets me apart from others is the way I believe that I am personable, and a good interviewer. Although I am far from perfect, I am working on continuing to grow and be better at what I do.
I personally define success has to when I am making others happier and entertaining them, once someone really enjoys watching my videos, that makes me happy. My family enjoying what I am doing and having their support really helps too. I want to be able to put smiles on peoples faces and make sure, and when I do that I feel that I am doing something right.
Criteria/Markers that I look for is the positivity from people I am closest to, and others about my videos. Once I make someone happy, and they start to talk about it that really shows me what I have done. I want to make my family and supporters happy most of all, and that really helps guide me.