Meet Hue Haze of Hue Boudoir Photography

I got started in photography in high school at the age of 15. I was always a visual artist and took photography as an elective. I started out with a 35 mm camera & had to buy film for each shoot way before digital cameras were the actual norm. Moving forward I got into the music business and began as a producer, video editor, recording artist, and engineer as well. Before I knew it I was creating photos for my peers and myself. I started doing wedding photography in 2017 and decided to do an exclusive brand for women and couples. Seeing the positive impact I had on my 1st boudoir client actually gave me the idea to start my own empowering boudoir brand called… H U E B O U D O I R.
Like all things starting has it’s challenges. But through consistency and creative vision I’ve been able to work through the challenges at hand. Being a male boudoir photographer has it’s challenges also but as time went on people began to see the brand for it truly is… EMPOWERING.
Hue Boudoir is a brand I’m extremely proud of. But I’m mostly proud of the impact I have on my clientele during a shoot and afterwards. I’m in creative mode and that helps women in a positive way. I create different series and push colors that I’m not able to when doing wedding photography. Hue is also another name for colors. Thats what sets me apart from other photographers. I love shooting in HD colors at times. Being an artist helps inspire my vision for creative shots as well.
Although money is the common motivator..success is something that definitely differs from each individual. Meeting my short term goals bring me closer to my long term goals. Completion of both short term & long term is my personal definition of success. As long as these two goals remain realistic and reachable I’ll great each challenge and grow. Constantly reminding myself to do the work creatively and effectively.