Meet Jamar Griddine of Jamar’s Catering

I started baking with my mom at first. She taught me everything about baking. Then in high school I had the opportunity to go to Herndon Career Center where I took culinary Arts and from there I got to expand my mind more about the food industry. Then after high school I made lots of connections, won competitions, joined different organizations to get my name out there. And with the help of my people, my supporters, family, friends, and mentors. This is only Just the Beginning Yes I am only 20 and I live in Kansas City, Mo. Some would say I have an old soul and that’s because through out my trails and tribulations I have learned that we can’t let our struggles define who we are as a person.
It hasn’t been easy with me being 20. Because a lot of people are intimidated of me because I know a lot at a young age. But I am blessed and honored to have such great mentors in my life who taught me the true meaning of life. They Where the ones that believed in me. They would push me everyday. My mentor once said “if you ask yourself these 3 questions for the day. You will accomplish your goals. 1-What’s the plan for today?
2-How you going to get it done? 3-If no one else will, then Who?
I want to encourage, motivate, and inspire All my young people with a passion, and dream. To go after it! Don’t sit back and wait for someone to hand it to you! You can accomplish anything you put your mind to! I call it #Turning Dreams into realities.
Jamar’s catering provides the great Quality service, great quality food. And Makes you feel like royalty. My team is full of young, determined people. I am known for baking and cooking Just about anything. What sets me apart is my recipes they aren’t your everyday recipes I am infusing them with other recipes and always creating something new. What sets me apart from other people is me. I am always smiling, I always put others before me, my energy, my drive, my passion, my ambition. I want to see everyone succeed.
It’s funny you ask that question. I don’t define success has having material things, or money. When I think of success I think of it as when I am gone from this earth , then I will know I have full fulled my duties and success by showing people the gift that God Gave me.