Meet JaVaughna Bevel of WILD MOMs Club

I became a mother at 19 and that’s really where my journey into life started. As a teen mom, I was often reminded of my life changing decisions, which caused me to focus less on my dreams and more on living my life according to societal standards and expectations that were honestly, unrealistic, and incompatible with a healthy and prosperous life. I allowed the needs, wants, desires, and opinions of others to dictate how I showed up for myself and my children.
After years of pretending to be something and someone I was not, my mask started to fade. The real me was beginning to surface, and it was scary. I was a fraud- happiness and fulfillment did not exist in my life in the capacity I allowed people to believe. Confronting the woman that I had given up on so long ago was an experience I cannot even begin to describe in words. After having my third child at 30 years old, I knew that I had to make some major changes. I finished my Bachelor’s degree program and made a promise to myself that I would find my passion, but it did not happen overnight.
Over the years, I acquired many accomplishments, but none fulfilled me in the way I was desperately seeking. People looking in from outside assumed I was as happy as I pretended to be. And the truth is, I pretended so long and so hard with the hope that eventually I would believe my lie. It never worked!
At 31, pregnant with my fourth and final child, I decided to embark on the entrepreneurship journey. Feeling suffocated at a job that I hated, entrepreneurship seemed to be the gateway to the happiness and freedom I was longing for. I invested thousands on top of thousands of dollars into launching a business that I thought was my purpose. It wasn’t until I sat down and mapped out what MY success, happiness, and fulfillment looked like that I realized my gift. It has taken me three years, moving my entire family from Baltimore to Georgia and faith I didn’t know I had to reach this place, where I am confident, clear, and courageous in acknowledging my passion and stepping into the woman I had given up on many years ago.
There is no such thing as an overnight success. It takes trial and error, determination, humility, and a WILD ambition to define success, happiness, and fulfillment on your terms! My life experiences helped me realize that my purpose is to be an advocate and supporter for women with children to live every day of their lives with the intention of pursuing and attaining true happiness and fulfillment.
Not at all! I’ve faced struggles financially, emotionally, and spiritually on this journey. At one point, I became obsessed with the shiny object syndrome and got so lost in making things look good that I accomplished nothing. I was busy being UNproductive! I allowed others to influence my thoughts which lead me off the path of MY vision. That caused me to battle internally with self-doubt, fear and multiple insecurities from comparing myself and my journey with other people. I have felt like a failure and wanted to quit more times than I can count but honestly my biggest struggle has been consistently believing in myself because this huge vision often seems intimidating and impossible.
The secret is allowing faith to outweigh the fear and doubt. My friend has this saying “Progression Over Perfection” and that’s what I have been practicing.
I started WILD MOMs Club because women deserve a safe place to reflect, reset and evolve. Our community is dedicated to the success and overall well- being of women with children. It serves as a support network for moms and through this network they receive training, education, resources, and support to pursue their dreams and realize their potential beyond the title “Mom”. WILD MOMs Club offers group coaching programs, online classes, one on one coaching, a monthly membership program, live events and a FREE Facebook community.
I’m a certified leadership and life coach as well as a Creative and Strategic Life Manager for women with children. My purpose and passion is helping women develop Clarity, Confidence and Courage to Plan, Prepare and Activate their visions. I show them how to harmonize family life and their pursuit of personal fulfillment in order to achieve the desired outcome for their life. In WILD MOMs Club the focus is on gaining clarity around their goals, desires and identity because once a woman is clear on WHO she is and WHAT she wants, HOW to get it becomes faith filled instead of fear fueled. Clarity builds confidence and confidence inspires courageous action.
WILD (Women Intentionally Living their Dreams) Moms have an unrestrained belief in themselves and they desire to achieve success, happiness and fulfillment on their own terms. As a mother, truly understanding and recognizing who you are and what you want for yourself is critical to living a life that truly makes you happy. I live by the saying “Kids don’t need a perfect mom, they need a happy one”. The women that I work with are stretched beyond their comfort zones and current personal barriers so that selfishness is no longer a bad word and selflessness no longer feels draining.
In addition to operating WILD MOMs Club, I also host The Unapologetic Mom Podcast which is a platform used to address and challenge society’s defining narrative about motherhood, life after children and all things in between. We have uncensored conversations that require us to remove the cape and shed light on our need for self-care, self- love and self- identification as women with children that are often tasked with carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders.
I strive to be as authentic and transparent about my life as possible because I truly believe in building long lasting relationships. My authenticity and desire to show my battle scars helps other moms relate to me on a more caring and compassionate level. I value being honest about my journey because I know that I am here to help other moms on their journey’s through self- love, self- fulfillment and achieving self- defined success.
My success lies in my drive to keep going, growing and learning through it all because stopping is just not an option. For me, success is measured by my happiness and fulfillment. It is measured by my standards. It is measured by me and me alone because I define what success, happiness and fulfillment look and feel like for me. I don’t have a financial marker or title that will let me know I’m successful. When I can say “Yes, I did that!” and feel complete- I’ll know I’ve reached the success I have been looking for.