I never in a million years imagined that I would be an artist. I went to college for social work and my first job was at a rehab facility for teenagers. A 15 year old heroine addict introduced me to the guitar for the first time and I became obsessed. I was trying to change his life, but he wound up changing mine.
From there I was introduced to the youtube guitar world. I had devoured every single video you could find on the internet, but there was not a lot of guitar videos teaching R&B/Soul music. I thought I’d take a stab at it, and I started posting guitar covers of my favorite songs and teaching the few things I knew. The videos began to go viral and I got a call asking if I wanted to go on tour with Fifth Harmony. At first I thought it was a joke, and I almost ignored the email. Over the next 2 years, I traveled all over the world and played in some of the biggest rooms I have ever seen in my life. It all felt like a scene out of a movie.
I’ve made more mistakes than I can count, but I’ve tried my best to learn from each of them. Moving to a new city with no money, no family and no plan is NOT a good idea. However, some of those painful experiences, being homeless and sometimes going without food, really helped to shape me into the wise, responsible resilient young woman that I am today. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes struggle for us to learn valuable lessons, and that’s what this entire album is all about. “Help is not on the Way” is about realizing that no one is coming to rescue you or save you. If you want to change your life, you have to get up and do it yourself. This album talks about my journey in discovering that.
A year ago I founded JUNO’s Guitar Bootcamp. I do private guitar lessons over skype serving over 12 countries each week. I am very passionate about bridging that gap in the guitar world. There are so many things I wish I knew when I first got started, and I try my best to share those things with each of my students. I am launching the video series this fall.
People know me for being super creative and making incredible music. I put my heart and soul into my music, even if it’s awkward or uncomfortable, If it’s true, I will write about it. That is the type of artist I am, and I’m very proud of that.
Success is getting to choose what you do with your time. Money doesn’t mean anything if you’re miserable. I want to create things I love with people I love. To me, that is success.