Meet Keiana Armani of Indigo Blue Style

I am Keiana Armani Creative Director/Stylist Certified Fitness Trainer and CEO of the Online Fashion Publication That empowers women to “Embrace their Inner Empress”
My journey started almost 5 years ago in 2015. At the time I had full time job that I was very unhappy with. I was miserable overweight and stuck in the rat race. I was making just enough money to pay my bills car note and such but something in me wanted more. One day I walked into work and found a book on the desk that would change my life. It was a book by Joel Osteen. I read a line that said the richest place in the world was the cemetery there you’d find million dollar dreams never created. I began to cry and I said enough I’m leaving my job and I’m gonna Start creating the life I want. I picked a date on the calendar and I post dated my letter of resignation. That date came I walked in and resigned. I then became determined to recreate myself lose weight and become a fashion stylist. My son was taking karate classes at the time so I began to workout at the gym right next to his class. I attended my very first fashion week in NYC that same year. I left fear behind and I showed up with no invitations, no connections, Fashion was just always inside of me it just took for me to Embrace my inner Empress. I lost weight I started my career and my first work as a fashion stylist was published by a major company Curl Box. During this time I birthed Indigo Blue Style by simply sharing my story of fashion fitness and transparency on a weebly website I had created. I made a plan as to how I would grow the platform because it really was about empowering other women and bringing them along the journey with me. Over the years I kept working on myself mind body and spirit . Perfecting my craft And working with major publications as a stylist creative Director. By 2019 I was ready to relaunch the Brand and take it to the next level with a team of women writers , stylist, graphic designers etc and that exactly what I did. It was also a dream to become a certified Fitness trainer and spread the world of how much a healthy lifestyle is vital for success. I became a certified fitness trainer Jan. Of 2020.
My journey was not an easy one. Entrepreneurship and Being a business woman is not easy. I struggled with balancing being a creative and running business. I networked with people of all the same industry. I also had a tough time balancing motherhood and business. I’ve had failures along the way. It’s a learning process when building a business.
Indigo Blue Style is an Online Fashion Publication that Empowers women to “Embrace their Inner Empress “ Our mission is to empower women to take the journey of uncovering their truest form of self. We do this by providing fashion news, style inspiration, health & fitness tips, beauty and etiquette advice to guide each woman to a life of confidence – empowering their inner empress!
We are known for dependable fashion news, style tips, and healthy living inspiration. We pride ourselves in delivering information that helps women live more productive lives proving interview tips and etiquette advice. What sets us apart is our sense of Fashion History and making sure our readers get an education on the Greats that came before us. We also provide online services including styling , fitness training, and resume development while highlighting women owned businesses to empower women with dreams that they too can live their dreams.
I personally define success as living the life you Truly want to live. Doing exactly what you envisioned for yourself. Success is having an impact on humanity. Serving and inspiring. Success is a family that loves you. Success is authenticity. Greatness is when your family and generations after you enjoy the fruits of your success. So I believe I’m already successful and I’m currently on the journey of becoming GREAT. As the oldest of seven children I’ll know I’m great when I can take care of my entire family.