Meet Keith Andrew of

On June 13, 2013 I created my very own Talk Show.
The reason for the Talk Show was to turn myself into an example for people who are dealing with any type of learning disabilities and disability’s to never give up and prove people wrong.
The idea was to show people that labels do not dictate who you are and who you’re going to be so I began using the hashtag #BreakTheLabels
When I 1st created my Talk Show it was Keith Andrew NetWork presents uncensored and it was done over the phone then I ended up getting 72 interviews from people like actors, actresses, models, etc
But, I was still having panic attacks and it was only making it worst. So, I created my Talk Show again but with name uncensored.
I got up to 300 interviews from actors actresses models CEOs professional wrestlers people with learning disabilities and without learning disabilities everyone was given a chance to express them selfs and given an opportunity plus you made a new friend at the same time.
However, little by little people were backing out of the interviews.
With excuses like your hurting my Image. My agent said to take it done. Your miss representing yourself bah bah bah.
It was excuse after excuse so what I did was I looked up a lawyer on Linked In. Of course, I interview him and he was also a nice enough to write up a permission form for me to use since one I had did not look professional.
So, right now I’m up to Season 7 Episode Number 690 officially. Over 7 and a half years later I continue to meet a lot of nice people and a lot of assholes along the time way but that’s the life I guess if they can’t get something from you you’re not worth the time.
My Talk Show about making a statement to every single person out there.
Who was labeled that they do not Have to be dictated by a so call label how to live your life.
All that matters to me is Proven proven people wrong.
Every time someone said you can’t that’s more motivation to prove to them yes I can.
This is my passion. This is my life and nothing going change that.
When there’s a will there’s always away.