Meet Kim Cruse

I started singing when I was about 3 years old. The first time I sang was at my dad’s church during a Saturday night musical. As I got older, I became more comfortable and sang a lot more. Whether it was outside in the front yard on a Saturday morning, Walmart, or in church. Once I got to middle school, I got into the school choir and began competing. I continued doing that throughout high school, and was awarded with a scholarship from Stephen F. Austin State University. After a year in college, I withdrew, went to a community college, and started at Head Start. While working, I competed in several shows, and landed a job at a church in Houston, TX. I started posting videos every Sunday from church, and I started getting responses. From there, I created an Instagram account and posted short clips, just enough to keep people interested to stick around for the next one. In 2018, after doing that for about 6 months, I got my first viral video which reached close to 2 million views. It’s been uphill from there! I’ve had the opportunity to work with gospel legend, John P. Kee. Grammy award winning singer, Monica. And my latest success was winning the “Race To The Blue” competition with Terrell Grice. Which landed me on my first album, An Invitation To The Cookout.
It has definitely been a rough road, but the experiences have gotten me to this point. There have definitely been times that I’ve wanted to give up. I auditioned for many televised talent shows between 16-21, making it past several rounds, but never onto the live episodes. After doing that for years, I decided to stop. Maybe that just wasn’t the way that it was supposed to happen for me. In 2016, I developed a polyp on my right vocal cord. I basically had to change the way I sang, due to the decrease in my range. I didn’t let that stop me! I learned the art of “smart” singing, which has helped me quite a bit! During this journey, I’ve lost children, friends, and hope a few times. Looking back I often wonder, ”Where would I be if I would’ve given up?”.
I, Kim Cruse, am my business. It sounds funny saying it! I specialize in vocal entertainment. Aside from that, because of my story, I want to branch out into other things as well. I do believe that I can encourage and inspire younger girls and boys who‘ve become discouraged from similar experiences. The thing that I am most proud of is enjoying the “fruits of my labor”, as the church would say. I think that sets me apart from others is my unique sound, and my ability to be completely transparent and relatable.
Success, to me, is living and doing what you love to do! It’s constantly taking out the time to figure out how you can become better, and doing what it takes to be better. We tend to measure success by what we see other people doing. Success is personal, what it looks like to others doesn’t matter.