Meet LaDonaugh Hall of Total Relaxation

I am born and raised in Las Vegas and mother’s only child. Growing up I struggled with my internal and external self-esteem. The more other criticized me, I would criticize myself even more. I suffered from self harm and self hate and I told no one. I held onto secrets that tore me apart. No matter how low I felt, I wanted to help other people with their problems. I always had a smile on my face. The only thing I ever loved about myself my whole life was my smile. I always hid behind my smile.
In high school I was the cool home-girl and guys would tell me they didn’t like me like that. My senior year in high school I asked all of my dates to my dances so I would have a date. My prom date was actually a blind date which really worked out for me at the end.
Life after high school was an easy distraction. After a year of going to community college I started to feel like I was tired of going to school and my future was not looking to bright for me. So i gradually got uninterested in school to the point to where I would stop going to class.
At 19 years old I enter my first real relationship. We were young, in love and didn’t know who we really were. We spent 7 years on a wild roller coaster of a relationship. We dug into each others minds and hearts and brought out the best and the worst of each other. We tested each other and provoked each other beyond our limits. We developed dark depression days in our home. I became full of anxiety and I was always sick from stress.
When that relationship ended I spent a lot of alone time to reflect on the things I did wrong and what I needed to work on. I spent days and night in the dark just staring at the wall or floor, crying, not crying, questioning my life’s purpose and my existence. I began to pray more and soon start to figure the whys, hows and solutions to pain.
Why did I do the things I did in the relationship, why did I start self harming myself in the first place, and most importantly why didn’t I love me as much as I loved everyone else?
One day, a year a half after the relationship, I found myself feeling low and I was having a conversation with a friend giving them the most uplifting message a person could ever receive. I laid in bed that night and for many night after that thinking about that conversation and telling myself i needed to practice what i preach.
I started looking at myself differently in the mirror. I started saying no to people and noticed how less drained and stressed I felt. Now Im praying more, looking at myself differently in the mirror, I even start telling myself “I love you” every day. The better i started treating myself, the better i felt mentally and physically. Things around me started looking good. I got a better job offer, i moved into a better home for myself, I was happy because i was finally in control of my happiness.
So fast forward to the end of 2018, I had a dream and in my dream i was helping people. I had people gathered and i was giving them advice and touching them and there was a lot of light and happiness involved. I couple days I was chatting with a friend and i was telling her about what i wanted to do. How i wanted to help people. I described my dream and told her i needed to do this. She gave me the IG of a lady she knew and she told me to look her up and see if she could help me. Later that night i went on IG and went to the lady’s page and low and behold this lady was a reiki master and the more i scrolled the more i loved. Everything i seen on her page reminded me of my dream and i had to contact her and see if she would give me some insights and lead me in the right direction.
So fast forward to today April 2020 I now have Total Relaxation. My main focus at Total Relaxation is to help people find their inner peace and also learn to love themselves in the process.
This journey has most definitely been one for the books. Ups and downs, jumping over hurdles, one things for sure and that is patience is key when you are an entrepreneur and not giving up.
You can receive a Reiki session and get your chakras balanced at Total Relaxation or book a guided meditation session. I also offer Yoni steaming for all women from ages 15 and up.
Total Relaxation also offers all natural hemp products for pain relief.
I define success by the level of respect and support i receive from my community, customers and clients. When people respect you, they trust you, then they tend to buy from you and send more people to you. I just want the people from all over to know Total Relaxation as the place to go start your inner the process of finding their inner peace.