Meet Leona Carter of Carter Strategies

As a purpose-driven teenager, I knew I wanted to impact people’s lives. I also knew I would be a foster parent one day. I married my high school sweetheart 3 months after high school. We build a family with three little girls. At this point in my married I did not handle pregnancy well and ended up being on bed rest for three months with my third pregnancy. It was at this point we decided that if we had any more children it would be through adoption. Two years later, we started the adoption process and adoption 3 children.
My six children were well-behaved and was such a blessing to our family. As a mother of six, many mothers would ask for advice in raising children. It was because of this I wrote a book so I can share with millions of mothers.
Once my book became a best seller I began speaking on stages all over the world including Paris, London and Canada. As I graced many stages, people again would come to me for advice on how to become a professional speaker. The demand became so great that I created the “Because I Said SO!” Speakers Academy which is the name of my book.
Today, I empower women to show up unapologetically in Her Brilliance, Her Business, and Her Bedroom through The Bra~less Experience™️ which is a platinum business coaching program for married professional women.
I had some amazing doors open for me along my entrepreneurial journey but one of the main struggles I had early on was overwhelming my audience with information. I was so excited to share and help women that I would serve them a buffet of content, products and services not realizing it was too much. I had to learn how to help women in bite-sized ways. I had to learn how to help them with the transformation they need at the pace they needed me to go. I was dictating the pace rather than following and supporting women at their own pace.
It took several months to really learn this concept. Once I learned it, I was able to better support the clients that I served.
I often share, ladies, imagine getting home from a long day of work. All you want to do is grab a hot cup of tea or a glass of wine, change into comfy clothes, and exhale the day away. But the best feeling of all is when you take off your bra. There is such freedom and liberation to let it go so that you can be yourself.
The Bra~less Experience™ is a Platinum Business Coaching Program For Married Professional Women to let go of the preconceived ideas she thinks makes her successful because it’s actually stunting her growth in her personal and professional life and empowers women to show up unapologetically in: Her Brilliance, Her Business, and Her Bedroom so that she can dominate HER brand, share HER story, and enhance HER intimacy.
In this 12-week, 3-part series, I meet with women one-on-one or small group settings to enhance their business to gain visibility and credibility in the marketplace using unconventional ways.
I am most proud of speaking internationally and gaining a global reach to help women all over the world. At the end of the day, we all have red blood running through our veins, therefore, many of our struggles in business are the same.
I define success as having the time, freedom, and ability to operate in your passion and fulfill your life’s purpose. We all have a purpose but many people die before they’ve reached their purpose, live day-to-day and don’t know there purpose, or have not crossed the fear zone to fully operate in their purpose.