Meet Lesley Resendiz of Goldskin Kinfok

Yeah, so I basically moved to Houston when I was a sophomore in high school. I always knew that I wanted to somehow be able to work on my creativity everyday. Luckily, I am able to do that. Of course I feel like everyone is able to do so. It depends on what you want to decide to focus on. I was talking to my friend (best friend my bad) , Adelmari and she was telling me that everything comes back in a full circle. That is how I’m feeling right now. At this moment I just realized how much control we actually do have.
Of course not! I mean, just life stuff. When you’re in that moment where you are TRYING TO FIGURE IT OUT. That means you are making mistakes, learning from those mistakes, and then trying to move on. For me, it was balancing all of what I am doing and making it work. I’d go through working a lot versus self love type of stuff haha. Since I am writing during this pandemic… it made me just slow down my daily routines… but I don’t mind not going out, unless necessary. But yeah.
Okay so, my “art” page is called thepaisleyqueen. Random right? I don’t know it just stuck with me since I started my blog back in 2014? Maybe 2015. I love paisley print though. Aside from my art, and blogging.. I am apart of Goldskin Kinfo’k. We all do everything, but really Twigg and Position7 run this. LOL. They originally started music and then made a brand line for people that look like us. Overall what I am most proud of so far is that we really stick to what we believe in and that is making quality material (whether its music or clothes or art) that is timeless and not just for the moment. We try our best to connect with people in a very organic way. For example, we had a giveaway for our face masks before we put them up for sale to literally anyone who wanted one (this was a limited time though lol it’s only the 3 of us) and for those who lived in Houston, we personally hand delivered them to each person. It was fun to see how the internet can connect us and sometimes you don’t know how close or far someone who supports you can be!
For me success means how well did I impact others for a positive cause. If I can help inspire, personally work with, or even be able to help someone with something for whatever reason I know how to, I would do it. To me, we are all put on this earth to make each other better. There’s no reason to be successful if you can’t share some knowledge or time to others who are also striving for more. (or to those who may not be in an environment where they feel motivated)