Meet Leyla Havok of I AM HAVOK

It all started back in Las Vegas. I was a little tater tot and every Sunday my mother would take me and my siblings to Michael’s to make these awesome treasure chests. She would let us pick the colors and turn it however we liked. My mom was the first person to give me a brush. Art was my escape and my way of channeling all the rage into to the art world and wreaking havoc.
Growing up I was a very awkward and a extremely shy kid. I was battling bullying, racial issues in society and within my family, and my parents divorce. See being half black and half mexican woman in America is not easy. I went through alot of toxicity through out my life but it made me into the strongest person I know.
A lot of my work is very colorful, popular and sometimes bold. My prints and some canvases are from popular Movies, Tv shows, Music and Comics. I really love drawing nostalgic shows or movies that I loved watching with my brother Donta when we were little. It’s awesome to hear other people when purchasing my artwork that they also had the same experiences with their siblings. Like a sorta connection happens with my artwork and a supporter that’s really awesome to see. I like to paint with a lot of acrylics paint and to sharpen the lines, I use Prisma Marker Jet Black. I believe I’m known for my nostalgic colorful paintings. I believe my artwork creates a feeling that you used to have back in the day when you’re watching your favorite movie like The Nightmare Before Christmas or playing with your 6-year-old brother in Super Mario. I want you to remember a good time in your life. I’m very proud that I chose me. I’m proud that I haven’t stopped because of the struggles I went through. I want others artists who want to be in the art world to succeed that is one of my biggest goals. I’m very passionate about my work and making that goal.
I always live by this quote: “Do what you have to do, so you can do what you want to do.”
Successful people fail often, they fail alot but what makes them successful is they extract the lessons from that failure. Success is never giving up no matter what.