My name is Mari Fix and I am the CEO, owner of the FRAGRANCE OF SOUND. What is the FRAGRANCE OF SOUND? The FRAGRANCE OF SOUND is therapeutic “Sound Doctoring” ™, another level up from a Sound Bath, where the participant is immersed in an environment of healing sounds, and paradigm shifting modalities to bring the participant to a new empowering space.
I show people interested in transformation and up-leveling their existence. struggling with limiting beliefs, blocks and disconnection from their authenticity and creativity how to step into and be congruent and powerful, take it to the next level, and to feel peace while stepping into a sense of magic, wonder and awe in their lives.
Here’s a brief synopsis of how I started offering Therapeutic Sound and Transformational work under the “Fragrance of Sound ®”.
When I was young, I was interested in mediation, contemplation and indigenous cultures. I would contemplate the universe and watch the clouds for hours on end. I would read about indigenous cultures and their ways of harmonizing with their enviormnet. I learned about edible plants and camping. Hiking and connecting to nature was one of my favorite things to do.
In school, I studied arts, music, theater, dance, religions and philosophy in college. I was not just content studying however and wanted to be immersed in what I call the “real deal,” so I found teachers of merit in Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity and Indigenous ways and started formally studying with them. There are some fabulous teachers of integrity and wisdom out there. As of late, Eckhart Tolle has done a great service for humanity by introducing many to the practice of “Presence.”
I had also been a musician, singer and composer for a while, when in 1990 I started studying indigenous music and dance with an indigenous dance Leader in Los Angeles.
I Immersed myself in his teachings and learned to appreciate his ways and wisdom. Anyone that has done this type of apprenticeship knows that it is something you live for years day in and day out and is not a weekend class that you take. Further you wouldn’t be so presumptuous to think you know much if you had studied less than 20 years or more. This is the beauty of a real deep and beautiful immersion born out of commitment.
Anyway, one day I went to a party where I met an inspiring artist / musician. We talked and he found out that I studied indigenous dance and music and said “I play Shakuhachi flute with this woman who does therapeutic sound, and it would be great if you would work with us.”
This was 1991 and my first foray into what would eventually be termed as the therapeutic music field. These were original innovators in the field, some of the first people from the West starting the field of what people call Sound Healing / Music Therapy. Granted Taoist, Buddhist and Indigenous Medicine people had been using sound in their healing ways but the Western Mind had not yet contemplated sound as a field for healing much. Quickly I met the other Founding individuals in the field of Sound Therapeutics and became a fixture at our main conferences.
I apprenticed with this woman for 14 years and played with our group about 3 times a week and learned everything I could from her. This was long before Sound Baths were an in-thing, and Certificates in Sound Healing were obtainable.
In 1998, I started apprenticing in Alternative and Energy medicine with a well-known Naturopathic doctor of Chiropractic and Natural Healing who had an innovative practice that combined some amazing modalities. I became his medical assistant and his medical intuitive for over nine years until his death at 97 years old. I studied some of his modalities formally and became certificated in them as well as introduced him to some new ones I discovered.
I also cultivated a background in mediation, mentoring, coaching and a counseling technique called “Motivational Interviewing.” I worked for USC Keck School of Medicine in their pilot program facilitating MI therapy.
I have been extremely fortunate to study some of the finest modalities with some of the finest teachers, some in lengthy apprenticeships. I also have earned certificates of achievement from various universities, and completed studies in these disciplines.
I also have a background in teaching, and have taught at the Armory Center for the Arts, Montecito Art Center, Cinema Academy, Joe Blasco Academy, Antelope Valley College and some of the Unified School Districts as well as FOS and LC workshops.
It is my hope that I serve my clients to help them to find their path of heart, their health, their authenticity and realize themselves to the greatest extent possible.
Actually it has not exactly been a smooth road.
Years back I was diagnosed with a grim prognosis from the medical industry due to a specific incident that happened. Even though this pronouncement scared me, I decided not to give up. Strangely enough, this was one of the most profound spiritual times in my life. Later, through earnest contemplation and intent, the universe somehow magically helped me to discover individuals and wellness modalities that were an answer to my call. I would say, perhaps my desire to overcome, while keeping an open mind, led me to seek the truth, and a willingness to change the perceptions I held that were no longer serving me. Real healing, I find requires change. This in turn led me to health, Alternative medicine, Therapeutic Sound Work and where I am today.
In my associations with indigenous communities and work with other cultures and ethnicities, I have found that if you want to learn anything from anyone, you need to open up to see things from their perspective. You need to be humble and submit to the process of true heart felt communication, understanding and and empathy. One needs to let go of thinking they know. It is so easy to come in with your specific ideas and cultural programming and make mistakes in judgement. This is a process of trust and openness and requires being able to look at things square in the eye, even if it is uncomfortable. True healing comes from not burying your head in the sand and avoiding things but rather from listening and then hearing from an unfettered heart. This process has not been easy but has been extremely rewarding.
In my work with Alternative Medicine, I have found that the most important thing you can do is never be self satisfied with your accomplishments. When diagnosing a patient it may be hours, days or years before any sort of solution or path of treatment may be identified. The willingness to keep on striving to better yourself and step out of your comfort zone is required when you strive to be the best you can be. That directive can take you into some challenging places, but those places will indeed help you to grow on a continual basis. If we strive to become masters in any endeavor, we will be taken upon the path that helps us facilitate this goal.
As part of this path, it is important to strive to find teachers of merit and accomplishment. In modern culture there is this idea that we can take a weekend workshop to gain proficiency in a subject. This instead is the very beginning of your exploration into a field as you strive to become a master in the next 50 years of your path. I see so many others making this mistake and it is sad to see it made.
“FRAGRANCE OF SOUND” is an ambient healing soundscape performing and recording Ensemble invoking harmonic healing sacred sounds, and experiential primordial multi-sensory states of awareness. We facilitate sonic environments that stimulate a deep relaxation response in the body and activate the parasympathetic nervous system, allowing the body to bypass the fight or flight mechanism and let go of stress patterns. One of the requirements for health and wellness is deep relaxation as relaxation stimulates healing itself. Further, “FRAGRANCE OF SOUND,” has in depth training in alternative and energetic medicine and mindfulness meditation techniques, utilized for enhanced effectiveness. This sets “FRAGRANCE OF SOUND” apart as a leader in the mind / brain / therapeutic sound field. Further, Mari has certifications in Sound Healing, has completed a 14 year apprenticeship in Therapeutic Sound, has certifications in Mindfulness Meditation, Stress Relief, Music for Wellness, Healing and the Arts, Preventing Chronic Pain, and has completed a 10 year apprenticeship in energetic medicine with a well known Doctor of Chiropractic and Alternative Medicine. These certificates are from universities such as Duke University, Berklee School of Music, University of Florida, and Leiden University. Further studies have been completed in Curanderismo (Traditional healing of Mexico), in Matrix Energetics, Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping), and Total Body Modification.
Success is sincere growth. Success is getting verifiable results and striving to learn more and more, surpassing who you were, to become who you can be. Any path worth traversing will take you to that point of transcendence. When I am looking for something to participate in or explore, I look to see whether or not it will require me to take life to the next level, even challenging deeply held beliefs or ideas. Who can truly heal if they do not take it to the next level to transform themselves in some way. Most healing requires the letting go of an old way of life, shedding your skin and proceeding into new unchartered territory.