Meet Maya Antić of All At Once

Performing, entertaining and most importantly standing up for others has been vital to me since I can remember.
Starting from a very young age of being a successful competitive figure skater, to later on reaching out through acting on stage and I front of the camera to eventually building a platform where I could share all my knowledge, experiences, tips and tricks, fashion, beauty & lifestyle tips I gained over the past 20 years.along the way.
And that’s where All At Once was born. A destination for all the things I’ve been very passionate about.
Fast forward to 2020 – hard work and perseverance throughout has brought me to where I am today. I’ve been able to turn my passion into my own business that inspires people from all over the world.
haha ohhh no… I mean, let’s be honest, life itself can be challenging and then throw on top working in the creative industry, amongst many other very talented people of course it gets a little extra bumpy, right?! It wasn’t a smooth road at all. Over the past 16 years, I had to deal with a lot of rejection, a million no’s to eventually get that one yes that will bring you that next job, and a lot of setbacks… But if there is one life lesson, amongst many others, that figure skating has taught me over the years – Falling down is part of the game, and that YOU alone are responsible for getting back up on your feet. Fall nine times – stand up ten. Fight for what you want no matter the circumstances, and that’s exactly what I did.
I created All At Once and my social media platforms mainly to inspire others… so that they can unfold their own personal greatness! And that’s exactly where I see my strength in this business. Amongst a pretty face and a trained body, there is a soul behind this company, my soul – that is deeply rooted and connected to my inner artist and my authentic self… Truthful and realistic content has been key to me and my business since day one. I’ve always strived to be a person others can relate to, like your best friend basically, someone you would turn to in times of need.
Amongst advice, tips, knowledge, experiences and my daily life that I share with my readers on my blog and my Instagram – I’ve just been very transparent, with the good and the bad sides of life. I talk about fashion and beauty, fitness etc but also about very deep subjects that many others are afraid to talk about… Such as cancer, failure, you know… We all struggle, we all fail, we all have dreams that we sometimes don’t know how to manage – and I am there for you to guide you through it. No matter what it is you want to achieve in life, I’m here for you to tell you that YOU got this, that YOU are enough and that you can do this. Because if I’ve done it, you can do it too! Inspiring you to be your best self – that’s what All At Once stands for!
Awards and recognitions are nice and flattering but you simply can’t beat when someone reaches out to you and tells you – Maya, you literally changed my life”.
I mean… knowing that you changed or impacted someone’s life in a positive, uplifting way, to me, is the biggest accomplishment of all – those are my proudest moments. Personal stories, that my readers share with me, are my biggest reward and motivation, there is no better feeling than knowing that you helped someone achieving something or overcoming something. Priceless!