Meet Michael Zavala of mzStudios

I love to talk. I’ve enjoyed talking for as long as I can remember. I used to record myself for hours on my little Bugs Bunny cassette recorder when I was a kid. That would later turn into a journey of voice overs, audio production, and radio. In 2006, I started an online radio show with some friends that became pretty successful and later spun into syndication, a TV pilot, and into the show we do today called, MZNOW. About five or six years ago, we had the opportunity to build our very first studio. It was great to be able to create a space that would allow us to produce the show the way we wanted to produce it as well as giving us the technical ability to push the boundaries creatively. After a while, we realized we really had something special. Our show only used the studio a couple of days out of the week and the rest of the time, it just collected dust. So, we decided we would allow other people to use it. Our studio kept growing and growing over the next few months until we finally realized – Hey! We need to make this a real business! Now, here we are in 2020. People from all over the world are now using the studio that we had built to create and produce our little show. We help to create and produce podcasts, audio dramas, narrations, and more. We have clients from New York to Australia. We help people get their voices heard all over the world, and I love every minute of it.
We’ve had a few growing pains, but for the most part, it has been a smooth road. It’s been a wonderful journey so far and we’ve had the opportunity to meet and partner with so many talented, creative, and like-minded people over the years. 2019 was a really great year for us as we were able to move out of our first studio and into a much larger space that allows us to offer even more services to our clients.
I like to think of us as dream makers. People come to us every week to tell us about their dream project. It could be the audio/radio drama they’ve always wanted to do or the podcast they’ve always wanted to start. Either way, we give them the tools and the space to make their dream a reality. We are a full-fledged audio production studio, specializing in the spoken word. So basically, we don’t record music. We’re a one-stop shop that does everything from recording, production, distribution, and even equipment rentals. I think what makes us special is that we have a true passion for the spoken word and we strive to deliver the highest quality around. I’m so grateful to be in a position now where I can help others unleash their voice.
I believe success is the freedom to pursue what you love doing. I enjoy creating. When I have a crazy idea in my head, I have a studio I can go to and turn my idea into a reality. Having a place where others can come and create and collaborate on ideas is something I’m very proud of. For me, that is success.