Meet Nicole Martinez of Brand New Beauty

guess you can say I have been a serial entrepreneur since the age of seven. I bypassed the whole lemonade stand idea and catapulted right to door-to-door sales with my own handmade products. I suppose self-doubt is something I’ve never really suffered from. Growing up, I was a unique child who was always getting into something — from acting to creating documentaries, then getting into computers to express my creative ways to the world. “Sit down somewhere” is something I always heard from my grandma but still, to this day, I cannot sit down.
However, just as most do, I followed the traditional pattern of life, and got myself a job out of high school, since my seven year old entrepreneurial spirit wasn’t quite burgeoning anymore.
Before too long, a loss became a life-changing opportunity. I was laid off from my job and, rather than jump back into the rat race, I jumped headfirst into my first business. Would you believe a wedding stationery business? What’s more, it was an outstanding success. We received write-ups in magazines such as “Black Bride Magazine,” accolades over social media, and built a solid clientele. I was blown away. But my itchy feet and inner nerd called on me to move on to something new. That is when I started my first business.
Today, I am the proud owner of another successful and rapidly growing enterprise dedicated to teaching women in business how to start and grow their businesses.
When I think back on one of the worst career decisions I ever made that generated serious trauma to my business, it was trusting the wrong people. Because I put my faith in individuals who lied, cheated, purposefully misrepresented the opportunities at hand, I’ve made big life and career mistakes and engaged in the wrong partnerships, relationships, and deals, as a result. What I know now is that I will do more listening than speaking and you will hear everything you need to know about someone.
I own a design firm called Brand New Beauty”, “where I help women start and grow their business through education, strategy, and design.
I named my business Brand New Beauty to help women entrepreneurs find beauty within their purpose, while we bring out the beauty of their brand with our designs. Everything surrounding us is leading us to focus on the material aspect in life and making us feel that if we are not living ” Our Best Life” with financial success, then we’ve failed. It’s time to find beauty within you and your purpose. Focus on that, ask for Gods guidance, and I promise he will provide. I am here as living proof. Focus on your mission, while we focus on bringing your brand to life with our designs.
I am now launching, Sis, Start Your Business “, “a new podcast designed to teach women in business how to start their business, handle their business with God’s guidance.
Episodes will cover a range of topics, including thought leadership, solution strategies, technical how-to’s, and tips and tricks, alongside interviews with a variety of industry analysts.
See, owning a business is a misunderstood concept and it isn’t always sharply defined. The reality is that when you open a business, you have to run the business. In doing so, you have to do and oversee many functions, from marketing to accounting to handling employees to dealing with customer service and more. So my goal is to educate you on all these topics and entertain our growing audience.
Very early in my business, I made putting God first and helping others a key part of my purpose. So my goal is that this new business venture will continue to make an impact on someone’s life every day.
When it comes to success, everyone, to me, should have a different definition. We are not here to all do the same thing, meaning that making a large amount of money is successful. Success can be being an amazing mom, getting up each day to help volunteer, or taking a leap of faith and starting your own business. Step outside the norm and create your own definition of success. Also, pat yourself on the back because you’ve already done so much that people would consider successful.