Meet Norton Leufven

I starting acting at the age of 7, I was scouted by Heidi Klum’s production team for Seriously Funny Kids at an open call at the school I attended at the time. Acting was never a thought until that day. After the call back and being on the set of lifetime TV I was really intrigued by the industry and decided to take acting classes. I acquired my firs agent at 8 years old and booked my first National Commercial and Film.
It has not been a smooth road, juggling school, activities and learning sides for auditions can be overwhelming at times. There have been times, where I got so close to booking that one role I really wanted but did not get. I then re-evaluate my career decision but my motto is giving up is not an option.
I define success as doing what you love, as long as you are enjoying what you do you have achieved success.