Meet Prince Carter

Ever since I was young boy, I’ve dreamed of becoming one of the world’s greatest entertainers. So I studied the greats every night, worked on my craft and challenged myself daily to be the best that I could be.
My journey in showbiz began almost a decade ago today and It’s something that I couldn’t be even the more proud about. So instead of begging for an opportunity, I took a leap of faith to build my own table.
“Interview with the Prince” is my passion project and my gift to my two nieces and four nephews. I wanted to provide them with a glimmer of hope that if their uncle can do it so can they.
“Interview with the Prince” is based on the intention of sharing a light on greatness. My focus is to help educate, equip & empower my community with the knowledge of creating & truly owning their power.
In the words of my hero Mr. Tyler Perry “…ownership is non-negotiable. It’s not at all. I have to have that particular part of it because that is where generational wealth is made. That’s where things are established for generations to come for my son and his kids. And if they are as smart about it as I have been, then everything will change. I think that’s how you change entire communities.”
The road sure was a bumpy one indeed.
But I like to think of every lesson as a blessing. As a wise man once said, “It’s not about what has happened to you, it’s about what has happened for you. Your lessons will become a survival guide for others.”
Having faced homelessness, betrayal of friends, lack of support from family, constant hate from haters. It just all apart of the process. What I’ve come to know its important to enjoy and fall in love with the process. That is where you experience the best love for oneself.
So as I continue on my journey, not focusing on the tough times but allow those moments to be a reminder that I am on the right path because anything that is worth having in life it will be sure to include strengthening moments.
“Interview with the Prince” is an Instagram series that highlights the Black & Brown voice by sharing the perspectives of celebrities & influencers concerning social injustice, equality and human rights.
With the trendy infectiousness of BET’s 106 & Park to Oprah’s teachable chat session “Super Soul Sunday” – Interview with the Prince captures the true essence of empowerment with a side of good old fashion fun through one-on-one interviews, rap battles and live performances from your favorite artists.
Each week (SEASON 1—23 weeks; 133 guests), we set out to celebrate and highlight 10 Black voices to educate, equip and empower the Black & Brown community. During a time as such, the Black voice is a key component in moving the needle forward against social injustice and equality. As we all have recently witnessed the reckless shooting of Jacob S. Blake, now is the time we all stand up and use our voices to fight against any type of hatred, police brutality and inequality.
“Interview with the Prince” is live each and every Monday & Friday from 6PM ET– 9PM ET/4PM PT – 7PM PT only on Instagram @officialprincecarter.
I have this conversation all the time with my colleagues. The term success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. Everyone should be striving to fulfill their individual purpose. Which ultimately leads to true happiness.
So for me success is doing something that you love to create an happy ending for your life.