Meet Rashoud Drain

I started as a young kid looking up to superstars like any other kid. Music just always stuck with me most in the entertainment. Wasn’t until 2012 when I recorded my first song ever. Since then, I’ve been perfecting my craft. However, I could. Now 2020, I feel like time is definitely in my hands and the people have been wanting a new voice in the game.
Definitely hasn’t been a smooth road. One of the reason is that impoor, another is my family is dysfunctional. Meaning I don’t have the proper support sometimes, but that should be no excuse. I often second guess myself a lot and that causes a delay in my music, but I’m always on time with my music. people will understand this in the future.
My business and company is my career, brand and that’s drain. mostly proud because I have full control over what I say and do.
I feel like success comes with being happy with where you are in life and everything that you’ve overcome. because you can be on top of the world and still not happy. are you really successful no because you still have a urge for something thats not there.