Meet Rebecca Rice of Rebecca Rice Photography

I’m a portrait photographer who serves families in the DFW area! I was born and raised in Carrollton, so I’ve been in DFW my whole life. I have a passion for families and teenagers and currently, serve as a Youth Pastor at a church in Plano. When I’m not at the church, you’ll likely find me hanging out with my family or taking pictures of other families! I’ve been married to my amazing husband for almost five years now! We got married at 20, and both still agree it was the best decision we ever made. We now have two beautiful kids, and are truly loving this life that we’ve built!
I’d love to say that photography was always a passion of mine and something I dreamed of doing since I was a little girl, but truthfully that isn’t how my journey began. I’m a very creative person and have always had a lot of hobbies. With most of these hobbies, I’d get really excited; they would fizzle out because I got bored. Photography started out the same way, but as I learned and grew my craft it truly became a passion! I began my portfolio-building stage in Fall of 2016, and officially launched Rebecca Rice Photography in January of 2018! I love the world of photography because every session is so different! Even if we’re at a familiar location, the families I get to serve to make each session unique and fun.
As I grew in photography, I also found that I love teaching and empowering others, specifically moms who want to pursue photography themselves. When I had my daughter, I found the importance of capturing moments in everyday life. Kids grow so fast and those everyday moments deserved to be cherished! I began an online community called Mom Photography101 to teach moms how to use their cameras to take better photos of their kids so they could treasure everyday moments as well. I now have the honor of pouring into almost 7,000 moms and photographers through this community! We have moms who just want to take better pictures of their kids, moms who are looking to start a photography business of their own, and moms who already have a photography business. I love creating courses, templates, presets, and other resources for photographers to help them build thriving businesses of their own.
No business journey is without struggles. I’d say the biggest struggle I have faced in my journey is balancing my family, my full-time ministry job, and my photography business. I could have gone full-time with my photography a year ago, but I choose to keep it as a side-gig because I believe God has called me to be in both the church world and the photography world. That is awesome, but it definitely comes with its own challenges.
Living a balanced life is super important, and something I strive for every day. Some days I work too hard on my business and other areas suffer. Some days I neglect my business and focus entirely on other things, and my business suffers. It is a fine line that I’m learning to walk better every day.
When my kids get older, I want them to be proud of their mom. I want them to remember fun times we had, and that I was a hard worker in the things I am passionate about. I never want them to only remember the times I was working, so I try hard to make sure we get plenty of play time, too.
I am a family photographer and educator known for my light and airy style. And I LOVE families with young kids! (Bring me ALL the toddlers!! Crazy, I know.) I am most proud of the encouraging, uplifting reputation that surrounds my brand. I work to serve my clients well, and I strive to keep a positive environment for photographers to learn and grow together without fear of people judging the or lashing out. Not all online communities are positive…in fact most aren’t. I love that the women in my online communities constantly rave about how welcome they feel and how positive our environment is. I think that sets me and my brand apart in a good way. I am all about community over competition (and the competition can be rough in the photography world), so I try to help, equip, and encourage photographers any way that I can.
Success to me is doing the best you can with the things you’re given while constantly working to grow. We are all graced with different talents and abilities. We’re all in different seasons of life. Everyone’s journey looks different, and that’s ok. As long as I’m doing the best that I can where I’m at today, then I know I’m on track. I also have a passion to grow, so I never want to look at myself a year from now and be the same. Comparison can be so dangerous, especially in the creative community, so I try not to worry about what other people are doing and just focus on me and my journey. I’m happier that way, and I get to enjoy my journey along the way.