Meet Ruby Juu of Ruby Juu Radio

As a child, I was always a talker, an entertainer and the one that gets the party started. So as I grew into an adult, my personality develops a lot more. People would always tell me I should have my own TV Show or Radio Station, so I decided to go ahead and start my journey into the Radio/Podcast world last year. I started a Radio Station /Podcast with nothing to begin with no fancy equipment, no DJ, or Radio Station producer just me, my creativity and my phones. I used an app called Stationhead to develop my Radio Personality which turned into a Podcast.
The Podcast has become a success for me in terms of exploring different stories, interviewing people, and just being able to be myself in my own creative way. When I first started my Podcast I was a little nervous. I didn’t know where to start, what exactly to talk about, or how to present my content to people. I started to look at some of my favorite Talk Show Host and Radio Host which prompted ideas for my content on my Podcast to flow so easily, then I just jumped out there.
Fast Forward today I am 100 plus episodes into my podcast, I have developed a very informative Instagram full of content that makes you laugh, inspires you, provides you with celebrity gossip, and news stories.
There were some challenges with starting my Radio Station/Podcast. The main challenge was getting people to listen to my content and accept my personality for what it was. I had a lot of people tell me I was too raw, I was too loud, nobody would listen to me talking as straight- forward as I talked. There was a lot of doubt and negativity from people I didn’t expect it from. This part of the journey was truly challenging, I had many days and nights of feeling like the world was against me. I took that energy and turned it into drive, ambition, determination, and dedication.
The other challenge I faced was creating advertising content to attract people to my Podcast and my Instagram. So I started researching different apps and different ways to advertise. I would often mimic other people’s ways of advertising and their content set up. I also figured out ways to drive traffic to my Instagram page without having buy robots or followers which lead to more plays on my podcast.
Fast Forward today I have over 1,000 plays on my Podcast, My Podcast is streaming and being played in six different countries. My Instagram page receives 500 visits every week, constant traffic, and constant engagements.
Ruby Juu Radio Traffikk Drive is a new business I just launched helping new businesses and people that are new to Instagram drive traffic to their Instagram page and also helping them understand the analytics of Instagram. My main focus is getting my brand out into the world, and providing exclusive content to my super fans. I also specialize in creating simple, eye-catching content/materials, and motivating others to better.
I am mostly known for my stories (which are my truths), my live videos I do on Facebook, and my Podcast. People enjoy listening to my entertaining content. Ruby Juu Radio is what I am most proud of. My journey I have had and the obstacles I have faced when creating my brand. What sets me apart from the rest is that I am very versatile, straight forward, no cut, no chase, and genuine with my content. I give people something to look forward to. Comedy, Culture, and Motivation.
Personally I define success as accomplishing something that you thought you couldn’t or something that may have been difficult to accomplish on a normal basis. Success is never what we think it is, it is what we make of it. You can make success and you can break success, it is totally up to you. My criteria you ask? I don’t have one I go with the flow of things. Sometimes us as people will set a certain standard to be judged by or to decide by when we should just let things flow because if it is meant to be it is meant to be. I am not saying not to have standards, morals and good value all I’m saying is to understand that certain things that you think define certain things really doesn’t matter until you you put your flow of mindset to it. There are things around us and in our life we cant control, so need to spend a lifetime trying to fix them. I use daily affirmations to keep me a float and I believe in what I say, I believe I can accomplish, I believe that all thing will work together for my greater good.