Meet Shruti Babu of @PajamaMama512

Monday October 16 is a day I’ll never forget and a day that made me the strong, courageous woman I am today.
On October 16 I was taking a shower, felt a lump, and the next day I acted on it. One doctor visit, one mammogram & a week later it was confirmed I had stage 2 breast cancer.
16 chemos and 2 major surgeries later I am back and better than ever and now helping others who either have breast cancer or know someone that does.
Smooth is the opposite of what it has been. Cancer is one of the hardest things I have ever had to deal with in my life.
I was only 38, a mother of two small girls and this was the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with.
I’m so proud I get to use this platform to help others on a daily basis. Nobody should have to feel alone during breast cancer and that’s where I hope I can encourage them to keep fighting and never give up just like I did.
Success to me is happiness!
I am alive therefore I am happy and since I’m happy I’m successful!