Meet Tiffany Skyers

I’ve been interested in the arts for as long as I can remember. As a toddler I was interviewed to get into private school and when they asked me to draw a person, rather than doing a typical stick figure, as expected for that age, I took it upon myself to draw details such as nails and lashes. From then on my family supported my artistic eye, and bought me art kits for each holiday and special occasion.
In 2007, I picked up a paintbrush, a dab of paint, and a canvas and I’ve been painting ever since. Upon deciding my major in college, as of 2015 I have I have been working in digital communications as a Graphic Designer.
While studying at SCAD in Savannah, Ga, I was introduced into the community via friends and associates in the music industry. From there I did side jobs working as their assistant, photographer, model, etc to help them expand their productions. From meeting with their clients and associates and describing what I did I eventually made my own name for myself in the city. I began to be hired as a designer and painter for my own commissions. From then on I was asked to vend at major events and constant networking expanded my brand since then. I am now doing events and working on commissioned jobs on a regular basis.
It has been a roller coaster. I’ve had good years and not so great years. Usually finances and stress from work overload plays major factors in how successful of a year it is. I am not working full time as a designer yet.
When finances become problematic it may push me to work more hours at my first job. That increase in hours takes away how much commissions I can accept. It also takes away from my ability to travel to events and increases my networking circle.
Time and perfectionism has also been an issue. In the past I have over worked myself unnecessarily. Sometimes I have to remind myself to just step back and take a second to regroup before it makes me anxious. I’m not productive when anxiety sets in.
All my work is full of vibrant colors and shapes. I use a lot of symbolism to portray messages.
As a graphic designer I work on a lot of print work such as logos, business cards, pamphlets, spreads, etc.
As a painter I enjoy portraits with vibrant tropical backgrounds. As stated before I tend to express myself through symbolism. I would say artists such as Frida Kahlo has major influence on my work. As an artist I am most proud of staying true to my emotions and allowing them to spill out onto the canvas. I also am very good at accepting that not everyone will like my work. I would just like it to be appreciated as being unique to me.
I define success on what gives me fulfillment. If I am not happy or at peace with my position in life then I am not successful. I don’t see monetary goods as success, more so emotional and spiritual peace. If my art humbles or soothes someones spirit as it has mine, I am satisfied.
In the future I wish to give back to the community and my family the way they have given to me. The moment I am able to do that I will be at my peak of success.