Meet Unice Fernández of Unice Fernández Photography

My name is Unice Fernández, I’m a portrait and fashion photographer based out of San Diego, California. I’ve always had a love for art, from using film cameras, making candles, painting and so much more. Although I loved art, I never saw it as a career choice because the artists I saw growing up didn’t look like me and as a daughter of immigrant parents art is not a career choice lol. If you ask most children of immigrants, they’ll know what I’m talking about. The pressure of pursuing the “American Dream” and becoming a doctor or lawyer is what we are supposed to do. I realized the true beauty of the “American Dream” is accepting the freedom to become who we were created to be. My parents came to the States for a better life and I didn’t want to waste this opportunity by pursuing another person’s dream. My “American Dream” was following the path God laid out for me before I was born. It may not look like everyone else’s but I learned to be okay with that. It was then that I finally launched my photography business.
It has not been a smooth road. Every creative or business owner knows there are slow and busy seasons. There are other times when my mental health is declining and I’ll take a break from photography to work on other forms of art. My love for people and photography make the highs and lows worth it!
I am a portrait and fashion photographer. My work is mainly portraits, clothing brands, and social media content for influencers. I’m known for celebrating people of color. I didn’t know I was known for that until I was approached by a few people asking why I mainly shared work that involved POC. Honestly, I’m so proud that my work may rub people the wrong way lol. It’s an opportunity to have an open conversation.
The Hispanic Heritage Month project is also what I’m known for creating every year. I photograph Hispanics in our community and ask them to describe what Hispanic Heritage means to them. As a kid, I didn’t learn about Hispanics in school because we weren’t celebrated. The only history I knew I learned from my parents. This project celebrates Hispanics and shows the younger generations that we can do great things and pursue our dreams.
What sets me apart is my love for people. I have an understanding that this isn’t just a business because there is purpose behind it. Making people feel amazing, seen, loved and celebrated for who they are is my goal.
Success is relative. As I mentioned above, one person’s definition of success can be different than another persons. My definition is accepting the freedom to become who you were created to be. To follow the path God laid out for you.