Meet William Winfield of Live to be remembered

I love being asked this question. Where I am today is because of a homeless man. Before I jumped into full-time speaking and coaching it all began at a homeless shelter. Ill never forget talking one of the clients out wanting to commit suicided. make exact words to this gentlemen was “Things will get better for you don’t take your life you are needed.” the mens words to me were I hate life right now and I can trust anyone. after 3 days the same man asked my co worker where was I. as soon as I got in for work the my co worker said “William the guy you spoke to a couple days ago is looking for you man he seems very happy.”
I went to see the man and talk with him before we opend up the shelter and his words to me as he squeezed me with a tight hug “Thank you so much for telling me them words everything is coming together and because of you I didn’t kill myself.” from there I knew my words had power.
Not all and life shall never be, which is why it is always key no matter to keep going. The top struggles I had to deal with was suicidal thoughts and homeliness, being raised with just my mother and also ending up in Forster care.
I equip Students, Student Athletes, and Administrators with tools to resolve internal and external conflict, increasing productivity and decreasing burnout to maximize student engagement and post graduation opportunities. I am known as the guru in Social, emotional learning which is where the name “internal conflict guru.” What sets me apart is that we don’t do what we do for popularity, to be seen, or even money. We truly do what we do to make the world a better place.
Success is simple to me: its waking up everyday with the purpose to not just exist but live to be remembered forever.