Meet Yanni De Melo of Photography by Yanni De Melo

Yanni De Melo’s journey with photography began at the age of 16, when he enrolled in the commercial photography technical course at McFatter Technical center in Davie, FL. After exploring the depths of black and white darkroom, studio lighting, and the wonders of Adobe, he knew that there was more to learn and wanted to continue his education in University.
Yanni ventured to University perusing his Fine Arts degree at Barry University. In his junior year, he had decided to take a break from school and was introduced to the practice of Ashtanga Yoga, leading him to the center of Yoga – Mysore, India. Apprenticing under Miami Life Center, Yanni ventured to India to fully immerse himself in the practice. Living in India for three months and a total of three years of yoga practice and spirituality, Yanni made the decision to go back to school and finish his degree. From that point on, Yanni developed his own aesthetic in his work, thanks to the influences he experienced.
Walking out with a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts for Photography at Barry University in Miami, Florida in 2018, Yanni has underwent several projects and publications since. His work has been featured in Ocean Drive Magazine, Haute Living, HOLA!USA, CHIC Miami Magazine, Elléments Magazine, Picton Magazine, and Elegant Magazine. He has freelanced for iHeart Media, Cirque Du Soleil, Front Management, and Next Models.
Yanni is a firm believer with how important it is to capture the essence of the narrative that’s being told in front of his lens. Energy plays a pivotal role in the production and post production of the project, which will result the outcome of the images that’s being produced; hence delivering the objective and message of the project.
In the end, this medium has the ability to open the public minds and hearts to new possibilities, concepts, and ideologies. Yanni’s goal is to evolve in this incredible craft, to expand as an individual, and augment his role as photographer.
It was not and it is still not a smooth road. I very much consider myself as a fresh face in this industry and I am still trying to advertise myself to the world and locally. I put in a lot of work into both my aesthetic, networking, and chase after my visions for my photo shoots to collect the right team members associated for each project. I do it with pleasure and excitement.
I am a photographer that specializes in conceptual art, fashion editorials, portraiture, movement, product, and still life. I am also a digital retoucher that specializes in photo restoration, photo manipulation, and photo retouching. I emphasize a lot of colors, details, and lighting to make my images come to life behind the concepts. I attempt to tell a narrative, that often revolves around concepts like the conception of life, evolution, abstract, and spiritual influences. My strongest suit comes to fashion editorials, where I collaborate with designers and editor in chiefs who also have a similar vision, and tell a photographic story with models, fashion, and environmental components to bring that life.
What sets me apart is my desire to continuously create art through my camera and post production. If I was removed from my clients and had no business opportunities, you would still find me doing this. It has become second nature to me, I began at 16 and I am almost 27, almost 11 years in the making and taking over all of my young adult life. I rely heavily in inspiration from music, media, literature, and artists among the centuries that have left an impression and inspiration for me.
What I am most proud of are the content I have been able to create within the past three years and witnessing my evolution both as a photographer and an artist. This would not be possible without incredible people I have met throughout the years, those who have been in front of my lens as well as involved in behind the scenes of the project, so I am extremely proud of all of us who are involved.
Success is the ability to go on and keep that rockets of desire alive. Success means life going on even during the darkest times. Success is when you reflect back and see how everything has led you to this point, and can say with satisfaction that there are no regrets.