Meet Zane Bolen of Wandering Creative Agency

Believe it or not I didn’t take a single art class in high school. I thought I was going to be an architectural engineer until I realized that was mostly wires and internal components and not at all what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I wanted to create things, and luckily I had a mentor, Tow Powell, who recognized that and invited me to spend a day at his agency playing on one of his extra computers. I’m glad he did, that day changed the entire course of my life. For my last semester of high school I signed up for a graphic communications class and bought that extra Mac computer Tom let me use. I spent hours every day turning my hand drawings into vector files.
During this time I created a clothing company, because I saw how easy it was to turn vectors into screens for screen printing. I also picked a college with a graphic design program and went to the early acceptance day, I got in.
With in a year or two my t-shirt company was doing great I had bought a screen printing machine for myself and was printing t-shirts for anyone who asked, all out of my parents garage. I took an internship with a sign manufacturing company and produced over 1000 designs in the summer of 2016. It was incredible to see my art work all over the town.
After graduating college I moved out to Arizona for my first full time job as a graphic designer. I got fired 6 months later for not being a “real graphic designer.” With all me new found free time in a city of people who I didn’t know, I created Wandering Creative a branding agency.
There have been some struggles for sure. It took me 17 months to find my first full time job after I graduated college, it was rough working hard to build my portfolio up during that time. I felt like my work wasn’t very good at the time, or worse something was wrong with me.
And the two months between when I was fired and when I got my next job while building up my design agency was tough as well. I lived off rationed food to make my money last as long as I could. Moved down to Scottsdale and basically lived with my grandma for a month, talk about a humbling experience. During that time I really focused on what my clients needed, which is what I believe is the most valuable part of what I offer today. I’m a thorough brand developer that considers all of your desires and objections. I work with clients to understand their business and their goals and then help them create the story and strategy to reach those goals.
Wandering Creative is a branding agency. What that means is we help businesses define and share who they are to their customers and clientele. We are known for creating truly authentic to company brands while providing the highest quality service.
What I am most proud of is that we focus on building a relationship with our clients we want you to succeed.
Success for me is helping other people achieve their dreams. But how do I know when our company is successful? My goal for my company, is to look up one day and see another company has changed the world in a positive way and know we helped them do just that. So I guess you can say success is changing the world.