Meet Zee Bankss of Poetry for the Intoxicated

My story isn’t too different than the typical cliché stories, I suppose. The details doesn’t matter because at the end of the day, we all want to escape something; whether it’s physical or emotional. Figuring out how to escape in a healthy way is the challenge. I started writing short stories in fourth grade that soon turned into homemade books by the time I was in the 8th grade. I remember wanting to become a meteriologist until I discovered my creative side and that’s when I was introduced to poetry. I never imagined publishing my own book. I always wrote from my heart. Poetry is like music. It just flows.
In all honesty, no. The road hasn’t been smooth but I feel as though its not suppose to. I encountered my own bad habits and unhealthy attachments along the way. I would find myself investing energy into the wrong things and wrong people instead of what I actually needed to do. I would spend days bathing in negative emotions instead of shifting that energy onto something productive such as my book content. Once I set my mind on a goal, I’m there. I know immediately I will have it. The struggle came in making sure I stayed focused on the goal WITHOUT getting off course. I went through 4 different book covers and two different content. I worked very hard on my poetry book.
I’m a Creator. An Author. An Artist. A Poet. I specialize in poetry. I wrote my book “Poetry for the Intoxicated” to inspire other writers and poets to express their raw emotions the way they want to. That includes slang, profanity, pain, threats, and the truth when it comes to hurting… the truth when it comes to losing someone you love.
I’m known for my art. I’m known as a writer, a spiritualist, a sex-positive advocate, and a businesswoman. I’m most proud that my book is getting the recognition it deserves. There’s always someone new who wants to work with me or someone who wants to take photos for my book. What sets me apart from everyone is my personality, my drive, my free-spirited attitude and the talent I have of wearing many hats with many roles. I’m a people person so everyone is usually fond of me. I’m always wiling to help or assist in some way.
I define success as accomplishing a goal for yourself. Not for others but for yourself. It’s not about the monetary value or the clout, it’s about having the chance and opportunity to put your work out. It doesn’t matter who likes it or who doesn’t. Success is finishing it and posting it/mailing it/recording it/etc. Success is accomplishing your list of internal goals you’ve set for yourself subconsciously. The goals that you keep putting on the back burner.